
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

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KVH Search 3,618 data out of 3,618 Back

Metadata Search Results1
No. Title Reg. Date
3501 [KOPRI-KVH-00003080]Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent (KOPRI-CH2586) 2013-11-29
3502 [KOPRI-KVH-00003082]Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) Weber & Mohr (KOPRI-CH871-2) 2013-11-29
3503 [KOPRI-KVH-00003083]Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent (KOPRI-CH2230) 2013-11-29
3504 [KOPRI-KVH-00003084]Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent (KOPRI-CH2231) 2013-11-29
3505 [KOPRI-KVH-00003085]Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent (KOPRI-CH2232) 2013-11-29
3506 [KOPRI-KVH-00003127]Pyropia endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2280) 2013-11-29
3507 [KOPRI-KVH-00003128]Pyropia endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2281) 2013-11-29
3508 [KOPRI-KVH-00003110]Plocamium cartilagineum (Linnaeus) P.S. Dixon (KOPRI-CH2258) 2013-11-29
3509 [KOPRI-KVH-00003123]Pyropia endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2276) 2013-11-29
3510 [KOPRI-KVH-00003126]Pyropia endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2279) 2013-11-29
3511 [KOPRI-KVH-00003125]Pyropia endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2278) 2013-11-29
3512 [KOPRI-KVH-00003124]Pyropia endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2277) 2013-11-29
3513 [KOPRI-KVH-00003094]Pyropia endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2242) 2013-11-29
3514 [KOPRI-KVH-00003095]Pyropia endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2243) 2013-11-29
3515 [KOPRI-KVH-00003088]Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent (KOPRI-CH2235) 2013-11-29
3516 [KOPRI-KVH-00003093]Ascoseira mirabilis Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2240) 2013-11-29
3517 [KOPRI-KVH-00003092]Ascoseira mirabilis Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2239) 2013-11-29
3518 [KOPRI-KVH-00003102]Ascoseira mirabilis Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2250) 2013-11-29
3519 [KOPRI-KVH-00003104]Plumariopsis peninsularis R.L. Moe & P.C. Silva (KOPRI-CH2252) 2013-11-29
3520 [KOPRI-KVH-00003099]Adenocystis utricularis (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2247) 2013-11-29
3521 [KOPRI-KVH-00003100]Adenocystis utricularis (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2248) 2013-11-29
3522 [KOPRI-KVH-00003067]Adenocystis utricularis (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2572) 2013-11-29
3523 [KOPRI-KVH-00003101]Adenocystis utricularis (Bory de Saint-Vincent) Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2249) 2013-11-29
3524 [KOPRI-KVH-00003105]Desmarestia menziesii J. Agardh (KOPRI-CH2253) 2013-11-29
3525 [KOPRI-KVH-00003106]Desmarestia menziesii J. Agardh (KOPRI-CH2254) 2013-11-29
3526 [KOPRI-KVH-00003113]Phaeurus antarcticus Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2261) 2013-11-29
3527 [KOPRI-KVH-00003115]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W. Ricker (KOPRI-CH2263) 2013-11-29
3528 [KOPRI-KVH-00003116]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W. Ricker (KOPRI-CH2264) 2013-11-29
3529 [KOPRI-KVH-00003117]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W. Ricker (KOPRI-CH2265) 2013-11-29
3530 [KOPRI-KVH-00003114]Phaeurus antarcticus Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2262) 2013-11-29
3531 [KOPRI-KVH-00003086]Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent (KOPRI-CH2233) 2013-11-29
3532 [KOPRI-KVH-00003120]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W. Ricker (KOPRI-CH2273) 2013-11-29
3533 [KOPRI-KVH-00003121]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W. Ricker (KOPRI-CH2274) 2013-11-29
3534 [KOPRI-KVH-00003122]Urospora penicilliformis (Roth) Areschoug (KOPRI-CH2275) 2013-11-29
3535 [KOPRI-KVH-00003202]Ascoseira mirabilis Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2793) 2013-11-29
3536 [KOPRI-KVH-00003203]Ascoseira mirabilis Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2794) 2013-11-29
3537 [KOPRI-KVH-00003130]Lambia antarctica (Skottsberg) Delépine (KOPRI-CH2283) 2013-11-28
3538 [KOPRI-KVH-00003145]Monostroma hariotii Gain (KOPRI-CH2695) 2013-11-28
3539 [KOPRI-KVH-00003143]Ascoseira mirabilis Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2693) 2013-11-28
3540 [KOPRI-KVH-00003150]Porphyra endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2700) 2013-11-28
3541 [KOPRI-KVH-00003151]Porphyra endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2701) 2013-11-28
3542 [KOPRI-KVH-00003152]Porphyra endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2702) 2013-11-28
3543 [KOPRI-KVH-00003193]Antarctosaccion applanatum (Gain) Delépine (KOPRI-CH2780) 2013-11-28
3544 [KOPRI-KVH-00003195]Antarctosaccion applanatum (Gain) Delépine (KOPRI-CH2782) 2013-11-28
3545 [KOPRI-KVH-00003197]Paraglossum lancifolium (J. Agardh) J. Agardh (KOPRI-CH2785) 2013-11-28
3546 [KOPRI-KVH-00003196]Paraglossum lancifolium (J. Agardh) J. Agardh (KOPRI-CH2784) 2013-11-28
3547 [KOPRI-KVH-00003198]Paraglossum lancifolium (J. Agardh) J. Agardh (KOPRI-CH2786) 2013-11-28
3548 [KOPRI-KVH-00003199]Paraglossum lancifolium (J. Agardh) J. Agardh (KOPRI-CH2787) 2013-11-28
3549 [KOPRI-KVH-00003153]Porphyra endiviifolia (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) H.G. Choi & M.S. Hwang (KOPRI-CH2703) 2013-11-28
3550 [KOPRI-KVH-00003154]Georgiella confluens (Reinsch) Kylin (KOPRI-CH2705) 2013-11-28
3551 [KOPRI-KVH-00003155]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W. Ricker (KOPRI-CH2706) 2013-11-28
3552 [KOPRI-KVH-00003156]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W. Ricker (KOPRI-CH2707) 2013-11-28
3553 [KOPRI-KVH-00003157]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W. Ricker (KOPRI-CH2708) 2013-11-28
3554 [KOPRI-KVH-00003158]Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent (KOPRI-CH2709) 2013-11-28
3555 [KOPRI-KVH-00003140]Adenocystis utricularis (Bory) Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2690) 2013-11-28
3556 [KOPRI-KVH-00003159]Iridaea cordata (Turner) Bory de Saint-Vincent (KOPRI-CH2710) 2013-11-28
3557 [KOPRI-KVH-00003141]Adenocystis utricularis (Bory) Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2691) 2013-11-28
3558 [KOPRI-KVH-00003205]Antarcticothamnion polysporum R.L. Moe & P.C. Silva (KOPRI-CH3016) 2013-11-28
3559 [KOPRI-KVH-00003206]Antarcticothamnion polysporum R.L. Moe & P.C. Silva (KOPRI-CH3017) 2013-11-28
3560 [KOPRI-KVH-00003164]Ballia callitricha (C. Agardh) Kützing (KOPRI-CH2716) 2013-11-28
3561 [KOPRI-KVH-00003166]Ballia callitricha (C. Agardh) Kützing (KOPRI-CH2718) 2013-11-28
3562 [KOPRI-KVH-00003201]Paraglossum lancifolium (J.Agardh) J.Agardh (KOPRI-CH2789) 2013-11-28
3563 [KOPRI-KVH-00003168]Porphyra plocamiestris R.W.Ricker (KOPRI-CH2722) 2013-11-27
3564 [KOPRI-KVH-00003169]Porphyra plocamiestris R.W.Ricker (KOPRI-CH2723) 2013-11-27
3565 [KOPRI-KVH-00003170]Porphyra plocamiestris R.W.Ricker (KOPRI-CH2724) 2013-11-27
3566 [KOPRI-KVH-00003167]Ballia callitricha (C.Agardh) Kützing (KOPRI-CH2719) 2013-11-27
3567 [KOPRI-KVH-00003176]Himantothallus grandifolius (A.Gepp & E.S.Gepp) Zinova (KOPRI-CH2746) 2013-11-27
3568 [KOPRI-KVH-00003177]Himantothallus grandifolius (A.Gepp & E.S.Gepp) Zinova (KOPRI-CH2747) 2013-11-27
3569 [KOPRI-KVH-00003175]Himantothallus grandifolius (A.Gepp & E.S.Gepp) Zinova (KOPRI-CH2745) 2013-11-27
3570 [KOPRI-KVH-00003174]Himantothallus grandifolius (A.Gepp & E.S.Gepp) Zinova (KOPRI-CH2744) 2013-11-27
3571 [KOPRI-KVH-00003180]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W.Ricker (KOPRI-CH2759) 2013-11-27
3572 [KOPRI-KVH-00003181]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W.Ricker (KOPRI-CH2760) 2013-11-27
3573 [KOPRI-KVH-00003182]Palmaria decipiens (Reinsch) R.W.Ricker (KOPRI-CH2761) 2013-11-27
3574 [KOPRI-KVH-00003183]Adenocystis utricularis (Bory) Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2763) 2013-11-27
3575 [KOPRI-KVH-00003184]Adenocystis utricularis (Bory) Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2764) 2013-11-27
3576 [KOPRI-KVH-00003186]Phaeurus antarcticus Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2771) 2013-11-27
3577 [KOPRI-KVH-00003187]Phaeurus antarcticus Skottsberg (KOPRI-CH2772) 2013-11-27
3578 [KOPRI-KVH-00003194]Antarctosaccion applanatum (Gain) Delépine (KOPRI-CH2781) 2013-11-27
3579 [KOPRI-KVH-00003200]Paraglossum lancifolium (J.agardh) J.agardh (KOPRI-CH2788) 2013-11-27
3580 [KOPRI-KVH-00003008]Silene uralensis (Rupr.) Bocquet (KOPRI-HYUN-20100001) 2012-11-02
3581 [KOPRI-KVH-00003004]Polysiphonia sp. (KOPRI-CH1236-3) 2012-11-01
3582 [KOPRI-KVH-00003003]Polysiphonia sp. (KOPRI-CH1236-1) 2012-11-01
3583 [KOPRI-KVH-00002959]Saxifraga tenuis (Wahlenb.) Harry Sm. ex Lindman (KOPRI-HYUN-20100026) 2012-10-30
3584 [KOPRI-KVH-00002940]Eriophorum scheuchzeri subsp. arcticum M.S. Novoselova (KOPRI-HYUN-20100006) 2012-10-30
3585 [KOPRI-KVH-00002946]Papaver dahlianum Nordhagen (KOPRI-HYUN-20100012) 2012-10-30
3586 [KOPRI-KVH-00002949]Eriophorum scheuchzeri subsp. arcticum M.S. Novoselova (KOPRI-HYUN-20100015) 2012-10-30
3587 [KOPRI-KVH-00002943]Luzula confusa Lindeberg (KOPRI-HYUN-20100009) 2012-10-30
3588 [KOPRI-KVH-00002941]Carex misandra Robert Brown (KOPRI-HYUN-20100007) 2012-10-30
3589 [KOPRI-KVH-00002938]Sagina nivalis (Lindblom) Fries (KOPRI-HYUN-20100004) 2012-10-30
3590 [KOPRI-KVH-00002936]Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahlenberg (KOPRI-HYUN-20100002) 2012-10-30
3591 [KOPRI-KVH-00002937]Saxifraga rivularis L. (KOPRI-HYUN-20100003) 2012-10-30
3592 [KOPRI-KVH-00002939]Braya purpurascens (R. Br.) Bunge ex Ledeb. (KOPRI-HYUN-20100005) 2012-10-30
3593 [KOPRI-KVH-00002942]Bistorta vivipara (L.) S. F. Gray (KOPRI-HYUN-20100008) 2012-10-30
3594 [KOPRI-KVH-00002944]Saxifraga hieraciifolia Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. (KOPRI-HYUN-20100010) 2012-10-30
3595 [KOPRI-KVH-00002945]Saxifraga nivalis L. (KOPRI-HYUN-20100011) 2012-10-30
3596 [KOPRI-KVH-00002947]Ranunculus sulphureus Sol. ex C. J. Phipps (KOPRI-HYUN-20100013) 2012-10-30
3597 [KOPRI-KVH-00002948]Saxifraga hirculus L. (KOPRI-HYUN-20100014) 2012-10-30
3598 [KOPRI-KVH-00002950]Cochlearia groenlandica L. (KOPRI-HYUN-20100016) 2012-10-29
3599 [KOPRI-KVH-00002951]Minuartia biflora (L.) Schinz & Thellung (KOPRI-HYUN-20100018) 2012-10-29
3600 [KOPRI-KVH-00002952]Juncus biglumis L. (KOPRI-HYUN-20100019) 2012-10-29