
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
be exchanged and made freely available


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Metadata Search Results1
No. Title Reg. Date
1501 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000013]DO-5 2018-02-27
1502 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000014]DO-6 2018-02-27
1503 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000004]OB-4 2018-02-27
1504 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000005]OB-5 2018-02-27
1505 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000008]OB-8 2018-02-27
1506 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000053]ERK3-3SS04 2018-02-27
1507 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000054]ERK3-3SS05 2018-02-27
1508 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000056]ERK3-0 CU4 D9 2018-02-27
1509 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000057]ERK3-00 S01 2018-02-27
1510 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000058]ERK3-00 S02 2018-02-27
1511 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000061]ERK3-4 S02 2018-02-27
1512 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000062]ERK3-4 S03 2018-02-27
1513 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000063]ERK3-4 S04 2018-02-27
1514 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000067]ERK3-5 S04 2018-02-27
1515 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000101]ERK4-2 S16 2018-02-27
1516 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000102]ERK4-2 S17 2018-02-27
1517 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000108]ERK4-2 S23 2018-02-27
1518 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000109]ERK4-2 S24 2018-02-27
1519 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000110]ERK4-2 S25 2018-02-27
1520 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000092]ERK4-2 S07 2018-02-27
1521 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000095]ERK4-2 S10 2018-02-27
1522 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000096]ERK4-2 S11 2018-02-27
1523 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000097]ERK4-2 S12 2018-02-27
1524 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000006]OB-6 2018-02-27
1525 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000022]ERK3-1SS06 2018-02-27
1526 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000023]ERK3-1SS07 2018-02-27
1527 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000024]ERK3-1SS08 2018-02-27
1528 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000026]ERK3-1SS10 2018-02-27
1529 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000027]ERK3-1SS11 2018-02-27
1530 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000028]ERK3-1SS12 2018-02-27
1531 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000029]ERK3-1SS13 2018-02-27
1532 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000030]ERK3-1SS14 2018-02-27
1533 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000032]ERK3-1SS16 2018-02-27
1534 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000051]ERK3-3SS02 2018-02-27
1535 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000052]ERK3-3SS03 2018-02-27
1536 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000059]ERK3-00 S03 2018-02-27
1537 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000055]ERK3-0 B-9 2018-02-27
1538 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000060]ERK3-4 S01 2018-02-27
1539 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000064]ERK3-5 S01 2018-02-27
1540 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000065]ERK3-5 S02 2018-02-27
1541 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000066]ERK3-5 S03 2018-02-27
1542 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000069]ERK3-5 S06 2018-02-27
1543 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000103]ERK4-2 S18 2018-02-27
1544 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000088]ERK4-2 S03 2018-02-27
1545 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000089]ERK4-2 S04 2018-02-27
1546 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000090]ERK4-2 S05 2018-02-27
1547 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000091]ERK4-2 S06 2018-02-27
1548 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000093]ERK4-2 S08 2018-02-27
1549 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000094]ERK4-2 S09 2018-02-27
1550 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000098]ERK4-2 S13 2018-02-27
1551 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000099]ERK4-2 S14 2018-02-27
1552 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000143]R-CRQ3 2018-02-27
1553 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000129]ERK6-3 S03 2018-02-27
1554 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000131]ERK6-3 S05 2018-02-27
1555 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000132]ERK6-3 S06 2018-02-27
1556 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000133]ERK6-3 S07 2018-02-27
1557 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000136]ERK6-3 S10 2018-02-27
1558 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000145]R-M02 2018-02-27
1559 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000139]ERK2 S02 2018-02-27
1560 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000140]ERK2 S03 2018-02-27
1561 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000177]Sample6 2018-02-27
1562 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000167]R-SE14_1 2018-02-27
1563 [KOPRI-ROCK-00000179]Sample8_1 2018-02-27
1564 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001150]Meteorological data at the Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica in 2017 2017-10-24
1565 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001152]Profile of Meteorological data at the Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica in 2017 2017-09-28
1566 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000664]Ionic species in the Styx glacier snowpit sampled in 2014-2015 2016-10-28
1567 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000660]Hydrophone data near the Balleny Islands, Antarctica 2016-10-27
1568 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000658]Marine heat flow around Adare Trough in 2016 2016-10-27
1569 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000661]Sub-bottom profiler data in the Ross Sea, Antarctica 2016 2016-10-27
1570 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000643]Climate Measurement Around the Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica in 2016 2016-10-24
1571 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000642]Sea surface temperature at the Marian Cove, King George Island, Antactica in 2016 2016-10-24
1572 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000637]Trace elements in Styx glacier snow pit 2016-10-24
1573 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000622]Sampling activity for identification between biotic (ciliate) and abiotic data from Barton Peninsular in Antarctica during the summer season in 2015/2016. 2016-10-18
1574 [KOPRI-PAMC-00021130]PAMC 27296 2015-12-28
1575 [KOPRI-PAMC-00021101]PAMC 27228 2015-12-28
1576 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000575]Marine heat flow around Adare Trough in 2015 2015-10-15
1577 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000543]Climate Measurement Around the Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica in 2015 2015-10-08
1578 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000548]Ciliates samples from King George Island collected in 2013-2014 2015-10-08
1579 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000549]Ciliates samples from King George Island collected in 2014-2015 2015-10-08
1580 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000541]Sea surface temperature at the Marian Cove, King George Island, Antactica in 2015 2015-10-07
1581 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000535]Turbulent Fluxes at the Antarctica Jang Bogo Station in 2015 2015-10-06
1582 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000495]Sediment core RS14-GC01 data obtained from Araon-based Ross Sea area (near Jang Bogo Station) expedition, 2014 2014-10-10
1583 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000496]Primary productivity in the Amundsen Sea, 2013/2014 2014-10-10
1584 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000725]Water isotope composition in a GV7 3-m snow pit (2013-2014) 2014-10-10
1585 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000474]Primary productivity in the Amundsen Sea, 2012 2013-11-15
1586 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000473]Araon-based Antarctic Peninsula expedition, 2013 2013-11-14
1587 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000468]Sea surface temperature at the Marian Cove, King George Island, Antactica in 2013 2013-11-08
1588 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000467]Seismic data in David Glacier, 2012 2013-11-08
1589 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000466]The mitochondrial genome of Lepas australis (Crustacea: Maxillopoda: Cirripedia) 2013-11-07
1590 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000458]First Report on Amphipods (Crustacea: Malacostraca) from the Shallow Sublittoral Zone of Marian Cove near King Sejong Station, King George Island, Antarctica. 2013-10-10
1591 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000303]An englacial image and water pathways of the Fourcade glacier on King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula, inferred from ground-penetrating radar 2013-02-21
1592 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000300]Helicopter-borne and ground-towed radar surveys of the Fourcade Glacier on King George Island, Antarctica 2013-02-21
1593 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000298]GPR Investigation of Glacier on Livingstone Island, Antarctica 2013-02-21
1594 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000013]Trace elements in Vostok Antarctic Ice 2011-08-26