
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

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Validations of a numerical model of solute transport in a snowpack

Snowmelt from seasonal snow covers can be significant in many environments of northern and alpine areas. Water flowand chemical transport resulting from snowmelt have been studied for an understanding of contributions to watershedsor catchments. A Mobile-Immobile water Model (MIM) was developed to describe the movement of ionic tracers througha snowpack by Lee et al. (2008a) and Lee et al. (2008b). To validate the model used in the studies, mass balance cal-culations of the model were conducted and comparisons were made between model results and analytical solutions in thiswork. Mass balance was calculated based on the fact that change in total mass within a snowpack with time is equal tosum of any change in the flux of water or ionic tracers into and out of the snowpack. Calculations of both water and ionicmass show almost perfect agreement between changes of two water and solute mass fluxes. Comparisons between modelresults and analytical solutions including wave velocity and effective saturation show almost perfect agreement. Validations of the model used in Lee et al. (2008, Water Resources Research) using mass balance calculations

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  • Jeonghoon Lee (jeonghoon.lee@kopri.re.kr)
Research period
2012-08-01 ~ 2012-11-13
Create/Update Date
2013-02-20 / 2013-02-20
Validations of a numerical model of solute transport in a snowpack Development of Core Technology for Ice Core Drilling and Ice Core Bank
The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00000295) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.

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