
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

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Whole genome sequencing of strain PAMC 20958 and one type strain of genus Halocynthiibacter.

A sediment sample collected from the coast of Svalbard, Arctic (78° 55' N, 11° 53' E). The sediment sample was suspended in 20 % glycerol and preserved at -80C until use. Strain PAMC 20958T was isolated by using standard dilution plating method on ZoBell agar containing 15 g bacto agar, 5 g bacto peptone, 1 g yeast extract, and 0.1 g ferric citrate in 1 L of 0.2-μm filtered seawater and incubating the plate at 10 C for 12 days. After determination of the optimum growth temperature, strain PAMC 20958T was maintained routinely on Marine agar (MA; BD Difco) or in marine broth (MB; BD Difco) at 20 °C and preserved as glycerol suspensions (20 % in distilled water, v/v) at -80 °C. Reference strain H. namhaensis KCTC 32362T was obtained from the KCTC (Korean Collection for Type Cultures, Korea) and was maintained routinely on MA at 20 °C. Genome relatedness between PAMC 20958T and H. namhaensis KCTC 32362T was investigated by whole genome sequencing. -Analysis of Bacterial Community in coast of Svalbard, Arctic. -Basic data acquisition of PAMC(Polar and Alpine Microbial Collection). -Academic report of novel strain.

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Entry ID
Science Keyword
ISO Topic
Svalbard(Svalbard, coast of Svalbard, Arctic)
ADS(Automated DNA Sequencer, MiSeq sequencer system (Illumina))
  • Yung Mi Lee (ymlee@kopri.re.kr)
Research period
2010-07-10 ~
Create/Update Date
2017-07-17 / 2017-07-17
Whole genome sequencing of strain PAMC 20958 and one type strain of genus Halocynthiibacter. Polar Resoureces Preservation & Management System Installation Hong Kum Lee
The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00000958) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.
Spatial Coverage


  • lat:78.916667, lon:11.883333

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Rawdata KPDC_PAMC_20958.zip 2.48 Mb Request required