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A study on the distribution characteristics of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the Amundsen Sea in 2012.
In order to study for the effects on the processes controlling inorganic CO2 system during the Antarctic summer ice-free condition, an intensive oceanographic survey using the IBRV Araon from January 22 to March 11 was performed. At each hydrographic station, 628 samples for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were collected from Niskin bottle on board. In addition to these investigation, to understand the distribution of the various component of carbonic system in the surface seawaters, underway observation of CO2 parameters was carried out along the cruise track. 271 samples were taken from the water inlet that was about 7m below the surface for the IBRV Araon. Accurate measurement concerning spatio-temporal variability in CO2 in the water column is highly important to understanding of global carbon cycle and reliable prediction for the future atmospheric concentration of CO2. From flux study perspective of CO2, the Amundsen Sea of the Southern Ocean has known as sink for atmospheric CO2 owing to high biological production. But there wasn't enough data, and sea ice have an ambiguous role of air-sea CO2 exchange so that further research must be conducted.
- Entry ID
- KOPRI-KPDC-00000371
- Science Keyword
- ISO Topic
- Platforms
- ARAON (Icebreaker Research Vessel, KOPRI)
- Instruments
- VINDTA(Versatile Instrument for Determination of Titration Alkalinity)
- Personnel
- Tae Siek Rhee (
- Research period
- 2012-01-22 ~ 2012-03-11
- Create/Update Date
- 2013-07-05 / 2013-07-05
- Location
- Continent > Australia/new Zealand > New Zealand > Christchurch
- Ocean > Southern Ocean > Amundsen Sea
- Dataset
- A study on the distribution characteristics of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the Amundsen Sea in 2012. Dynamics of Southern Ocean ecosystem and its buffering capacity of climate gases Tae Siek Rhee
- Citation
- The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00000371) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.