
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
be exchanged and made freely available

Multibeam data, Australian-Antarctic Ridge (AAR) and the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (PAR), 2020/21 season

During 2020/2021 summer season, due to sea ice, we obtained high resolution bathymetric data and marine magnetic data for only one short spreading-segment in “large-scaled spreading and fracture zones (or leaky transform faults)” located between the Australian-Antarctic Ridge (AAR) and the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (PAR). It is expected that it will be able to contribute to the investigations for the tectonic evolution of the Antarctica related to the Australian-Pacific-Antarctic plates and the evolution of the Zealandia-Antarctic mantle, through the bathymetric and magnetic data that will be accumulated in the future.

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Entry ID
Science Keyword
ISO Topic
  • Hakkyum Choi (hkchoi@kopri.re.kr)
  • HYOUNG JUN KIM (jun7100@kopri.re.kr)
  • Sung-Hyun Park (shpark314@kopri.re.kr)
Research period
2020-11-28 ~ 2020-11-29
Create/Update Date
2021-07-22 / 2021-10-08
OCEAN > SOUTHERN OCEAN > Australian-Antarctic Ridge (AAR) and the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge (PAR)
The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00001673) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.
Spatial Coverage


  • lat:-64.117920, lon:-179.797750
  • lat:-66.582950, lon:-176.644990

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Raw Data
File Size 353.48 Mb for 17 items
Category File Name Description Size Status
Rawdata 0000_20201128_234614_ARAON.all 26.5 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0001_20201129_004610_ARAON.all 28.47 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0002_20201129_014607_ARAON.all 28.61 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0003_20201129_024603_ARAON.all 29.09 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0004_20201129_034609_ARAON.all 27.75 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0005_20201129_044601_ARAON.all 27.66 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0006_20201129_054602_ARAON.all 30.04 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0007_20201129_064609_ARAON.all 24.45 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0008_20201129_073644_ARAON.all 32.5 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0009_20201129_083650_ARAON.all 25.02 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0010_20201129_093648_ARAON.all 19.89 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0011_20201129_103650_ARAON.all 12.94 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0012_20201129_113648_ARAON.all 6.51 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0013_20201129_123651_ARAON.all 7.77 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0014_20201129_133643_ARAON.all 10.45 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0015_20201129_143644_ARAON.all 15.12 Mb Request required
Rawdata 0016_20201129_153651_ARAON.all 725.29 Kb Request required

Version History

Version Registration Date Submitter Summary
2 2021-10-08 06:41 Hyoungjun Kim 2021-10-08 06:41 Update
1 2021-07-22 02:02 Hyoungjun Kim 2021-07-22 02:02 Update