
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
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Numerical simulation data of blizzard caused by polar low at King Sejong Station, Antarctica

Polar lows are intense mesoscale cyclones that mainly occur over the sea in polar regions. Owing to their small spatial scale of a diameter less than 1000km, simulating polar lows is a challenging task. At King Sejong station in West Antartica, polar lows are often observed. Despite the recent significant climatic changes observed over West Antarctica, adequate validation of regional simulations of extreme weather events such as polar lows are rare for this region. To address this gap, simulation results from a recent version of the Polar Weather Research and Forecasting model (Polar WRF) covering Antartic Peninsula at a high horizontal resolution of 3 km are validated against near-surface meteorological observations. We selected a case of high wind speed event on 7 January 2013 recorded at Automatic Meteorological Observation Station (AMOS) in King Sejong station, Antarctica. It is revealed by in situ observations, numerical weather prediction, and reanalysis fields that the synoptic and mesoscale environment of the strong wind event was due to the passage of a strong mesoscale polar low of center pressure 950hPa. Verifying model results from 3km grid resolution simulation against AMOS observation showed that high skill in simulating wind speed and surface pressure with a bias of -1.1m/s and -1.2hPa, respectively. Our evaluation suggests that the Polar WRF can be used as a useful dynamic downscaling tool for the simulation of Antartic weather systems and the near-surface meteorological instruments installed in King Sejong station can provide invaluable data for polar low studies over West Antartica. A Numerical Simulation Study of Blizzard caused by Polar Low at King Sejong Station, Antarctica

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Entry ID
Science Keyword
ISO Topic
Polar WRF
  • Hataek Kwon (h.kwon@kopri.re.kr)
  • Sang-jong Park (sangjong@kopri.re.kr)
  • Solji Lee (ssoroji@kopri.re.kr)
  • Seong-Joong Kim (seongjkim@kopri.re.kr)
  • Baek-Min Kim (bmkim@kopri.re.kr)
Research period
2013-01-05 ~ 2013-01-09
Create/Update Date
2018-01-18 / 2018-01-18
King Sejong Station > King George Island > Antarctica
The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00000887) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.
Spatial Coverage


  • lat:-62.130000, lon:-58.470000

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Rawdata KPDC_2018_0002.zip 8.2 Gb Request required