
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
be exchanged and made freely available

Sea Ice and Hot Water Drilling Observation data from ANA14B

1. Sea ice core sampling Station_logsheets_seaicesamping.xlsx The spreadsheet contains the data from the sea ice stations. ‘Station Summary’ gives an overview of the sites. ‘Sample Log' describes the ice cores taken at each site, but they have not yet been analysed, so the data from those is not yet available. The first sheet has a summary of the cores that were taken. Each of the site tabs contains any measurements we took onsite (snow depth and temperature profiles; sea ice core temperature profiles). Region: Amundsen Sea Data type: Excel spreadsheet 2. ASPeCt observations ASPeCt_ANA14B.csv Sea ice data collected using the ASPeCt (Antarctic Sea Ice Processes and Climate) protocol to record sea ice observations from a vessel. Data were recorded using the sea ice observation software, IceBox, developed by the Australian Antarctic Division. These data have also been shared with ASPeCt. Region: Amundsen Sea Data type: comma separated variables 3. CTD data under Dotson Ice Shelf 208082_20240128.csv Data from a CTD on a mooring line through a hot-water-drilled hole in Dotson Ice Shelf. The CTD was deployed about 100 m below the ice base. The hole was drilled in Jan 2022 and the data were recovered in 2024. The data columns are Conductivity [mS/cm], Temperature [°C], Pressure [dbar], Dissolved O₂ concentration [µmol/L], Sea pressure [dbar], Depth [m], Salinity [PSU], Specific conductivity [µS/cm], Dissolved O₂ saturation [%]. The data were recorded every 10 minutes. The start time is 07/02/2022 02:00:00. Region: Dotson Ice Shelf Data type: comma separated variables 4. Pressure data at the base of Dotson Ice Shelf 208085_20240128.csv Data from a pressure sensor on a mooring line through a hot-water-drilled hole in Dotson Ice Shelf. The pressure sensor was frozen into the ice about 10 m above the ice base and will eventually melt out. The hole was drilled in Jan 2022 and the data were recovered in 2024. The data columns are Time (Date and time), Pressure [dbar], Sea pressure [dbar] and Depth [m]. The data were recorded every 10 minutes. The start time is 07/02/2022 02:00:00. Region: Dotson Ice Shelf Data type: comma separated variables

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Entry ID
Science Keyword
ISO Topic
  • Clare Eayrs (clare.eayrs@kopri.re.kr)
  • Sukyoung Yun (yun@kopri.re.kr)
  • Ji Sung Na (jsna@kopri.re.kr)
  • Won Sang Lee (wonsang@kopri.re.kr)
  • Siobhán Johnson
Research period
2024-01-10 ~ 2024-01-27
2024-01-03 ~ 2024-01-07
2022-01-01 ~ 2024-01-27
Create/Update Date
2024-06-11 / 2024-07-11
The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00002467) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.
Spatial Coverage


  • lat:-75.000000, lon:-120.000000
  • lat:-70.000000, lon:-100.000000

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Raw Data
File Size 46.78 Mb for 4 items
Category File Name Description Size Status
Rawdata 208082_20240128.csv CTD data under Dotson Ice Shelf 12.14 Mb Request required
Rawdata 208085_20240128.csv Pressure data at the base of Dotson Ice Shelf 6.29 Mb Request required
Rawdata ASPeCt_ANA14B.csv ASPeCt observations 17.02 Kb Request required
Rawdata station_logsheets_seaicesampling.xlsx Sea ice core sampling 28.33 Mb Request required