
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
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Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil for searching hazardous microorganisms

Single-cell sequencing data for searching hazardous microorganisms. Provision of scientific information for control and prevention of hazardous microorganisms based on the distribution map and mechanism of hazardous microorganisms

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Entry ID
Science Keyword
ISO Topic
  • Nu Ri Myeong (nuri@kopri.re.kr)
  • Mincheol Kim (mincheol@kopri.re.kr)
  • Sanghee Kim (sangheekim@kopri.re.kr)
Research period
2022-06-01 ~ 2022-09-01
Create/Update Date
2022-09-27 / 2022-09-27
The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00002058) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.
Spatial Coverage


  • lat:64.844300, lon:-163.711000

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Unit Selection


Unit Selection

Raw Data
File Size 23.11 Mb for 27 items
Category File Name Description Size Status
Rawdata AM-408-A06_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 237.12 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-B18_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 582.42 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-C03_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 621.65 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-C13_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 744.9 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-E04_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 612.33 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-E13_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 592.45 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-F17_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 399.41 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-F18_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 383.63 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-G04_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 837.06 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-G08_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 2.05 Mb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-G09_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 1.65 Mb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-I14_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 694.76 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-I19_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 561.61 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-J14_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 436.77 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-J22_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 235.14 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-K21_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 524.56 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-L10_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 876.57 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-M21_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 2.22 Mb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-M22_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 186.42 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-N07_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 973.78 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-N14_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 815.48 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-N21_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 1.55 Mb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-O11_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 3.44 Mb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-O19_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 384.91 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-O22_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 1.14 Mb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-P06_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 194.59 Kb Request required
Rawdata AM-408-P08_contigs.fasta Single-cell sequencing data from Alaska active layer soil 166.14 Kb Request required

Version History

Version Registration Date Submitter Summary
2 2022-09-27 01:59 Myeong Nu Ri 2022-09-27 01:59 Update
1 2022-09-27 01:27 Myeong Nu Ri 2022-09-27 01:27 Update