
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
be exchanged and made freely available

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Metadata Search Results1
No. Title Reg. Date
1 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001922]GPS tracking data of Adelie penguin (Inexpressible Island, 2018) 2022-03-29
2 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001921]GPS tracking data of Adelie penguin (Terra Nova Bay, 2018) 2022-03-29
3 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001920]GPS tracking data of Adelie penguin (Cape Hallett, 2019) 2022-03-29
4 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001919]GPS tracking data of Adelie penguin (Cape Hallett, 2018) 2022-03-29
5 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001918]GPS tracking data of Adelie penguin (Cape Hallett, 2017) 2022-03-29
6 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001917]Census data of Emperor Penguin (Victoria Land, Ross Sea) 2022-03-29
7 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001916]Data for CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP-data, 2018) 2022-03-29
8 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001915]Data for CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP-data, 2019) 2022-03-29
9 [KOPRI-KPDC-00001914]Data for CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program (CEMP-data, 2020) 2022-03-29
10 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000632]Nest information of flying birds around the King Sejong Station during the 2015/2016 2022-01-28
11 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000926]Sample collection of zooplankton and phytoplankton of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 1) 2018-04-26
12 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000925]Quantitative analysis of zooplankton of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 3) 2018-04-26
13 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000924]Building of field survey camp of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 4) 2018-04-26
14 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000923]Measurement of Breeding success in the Adelie Penguin of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 6) 2018-04-26
15 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000922]Data acquisition of bio-logger of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 7) 2018-04-26
16 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000921]Distribution map of Pinnipedia of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 2) 2018-04-26
17 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000920]Images of Polynyas forming process of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 8) 2018-04-26
18 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000919]Sample collection of chlorophyll a of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 9) 2018-04-26
19 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000918]Installation and operation of AMIGOS of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 10) 2018-04-26
20 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000917]WG-EMM(Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management) final report of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 11) 2018-04-26
21 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000916]Domestic scientific research Roadmap of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 12) 2018-04-26
22 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000915]Data of public relations of the Ross Sea MPA (Ecosystem research data / Proof No. 13) 2018-04-26
23 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000484]The coordinates of kelp gull nest recorded on the Barton Peninsula of King George Island in 2012/13 and 2013/14 2014-10-07