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In order to monitor the circumpolar deep water (CDW) and associated rapid melting of glaciers in the Amundsen Shelf, three institutes (KOPRI, UGOT, and RU) from Korea, Sweden, and US have launched an international collaboration program. During the 2014 Amundsen Sea cruise (ANA04B) by IBRV Araon, a total of 35 CTD stations were visited on the shelf troughs and near the ice shelf front as well as the polynya. A lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP, RDI, 300 kHz) was attached to the CTD frame to measure the full profile of current velocities. The overall purpose in the field of physical oceanography are: (1) identify the temporal and spatial variation of CDW in Amundsen; (2) estimation of heat transport by CDW intrusion to understand the effect of CDW on the melting of ice shelves.
- Entry ID
- KOPRI-KPDC-00000715
- KPDC_ANA04B_2013_LADCP (Old ID)
- Science Keyword
- ISO Topic
- Platforms
- ARAON (Icebreaker Research Vessel, KOPRI)
- Instruments
- LADCP(Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, RDI, WHS300)
- Personnel
- Tae Wan Kim (
- Research period
- 2013-12-24 ~ 2014-01-25
- Create/Update Date
- 2014-10-06 / 2014-10-06
- Location
- Ocean > Southern Ocean > Amundsen Sea
- Dataset
- ANA04B LADCP Tae-Wan Kim
- Citation
- The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00000715) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.
- Spatial Coverage
- lat:-75.000000, lon:-127.000000
- lat:-70.000000, lon:-110.000000