
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
be exchanged and made freely available

Hydrocasting observation of conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD)

Warming the Arctic surface ocean due to influx of warm Pacific water not only leads to the declining of the sea ice extent but also triggers melting gas hydrate stored in the Arctic Sea floor of the continental shelf areas. Methane (CH4) is the most abundant hydrocarbon in the atmosphere, where it plays a much more effective role as the greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide (CO2). To understand the behavior of gas hydrate in the sediment and to estimate the CH4 fluxes from the sediment through the water column to the atmosphere, we obtained data on water temperature, salinity, density and fluorescence in the water column.

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Entry ID
Science Keyword
ISO Topic
  • Tae Siek Rhee (rhee@kopri.re.kr)
  • Young Keun Jin (ykjin@kopri.re.kr)
  • Miseon Kim (mskim@kopri.re.kr)
Research period
2019-08-30 ~ 2019-09-20
Create/Update Date
2019-12-16 / 2019-12-16
OCEAN > ARCTIC OCEAN > East Siberian Sea
The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00001421) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.
Spatial Coverage


  • lat:75.674000, lon:-169.736167
  • lat:75.678000, lon:-169.736667
  • lat:75.679500, lon:-169.736000
  • lat:73.696000, lon:167.675500
  • lat:73.937500, lon:168.836167
  • lat:74.087667, lon:169.818833
  • lat:74.409333, lon:170.677500
  • lat:74.691333, lon:171.833667
  • lat:74.941500, lon:172.917333
  • lat:77.132000, lon:179.980833
  • lat:75.800333, lon:176.332667
  • lat:75.305167, lon:174.293833
  • lat:75.176833, lon:170.387167
  • lat:74.963833, lon:169.669500
  • lat:74.697500, lon:168.825667
  • lat:74.467000, lon:167.917833
  • lat:74.239167, lon:166.816333
  • lat:74.023000, lon:165.640667
  • lat:73.456833, lon:170.460000
  • lat:73.789333, lon:171.380833
  • lat:74.078500, lon:172.325333
  • lat:74.314333, lon:173.440833
  • lat:74.585000, lon:175.034833
  • lat:75.107833, lon:171.279167
  • lat:74.857500, lon:170.637333
  • lat:74.569333, lon:169.707833
  • lat:74.289333, lon:168.938667
  • lat:74.118000, lon:167.868833
  • lat:73.899333, lon:166.704500
  • lat:73.457500, lon:168.693333
  • lat:73.753333, lon:169.778000
  • lat:73.944500, lon:170.740833
  • lat:74.218667, lon:171.763833
  • lat:74.459667, lon:172.820833
  • lat:74.738333, lon:174.121000
  • lat:75.003000, lon:177.376833
  • lat:74.921167, lon:179.055000

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File Size 934.75 Kb for 1 item
Category File Name Description Size Status
Rawdata ARA10C_CTD_rawdata.zip 934.75 Kb Request required