
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
be exchanged and made freely available


지구 온난화 대응책 마련을 위한 극지역 고기후 및 고해양 변화 복원기술 개발

Reconstruction of paleoclimate and paleoceanography of polar regions to understand the response of future global warming

PE10010 Reconstruction of paleoclimate and paleoceanography of polar regions to understand the response of future global warming

PI. Jae Il Lee, 2010-01-01 ~ 2010-12-31

Search 1 data out of 1

Metadata Search Results1
No. Title Reg. Date
1 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000756]Gravity cores from Antarctic Weddell Sea(JV10-GC01) 2017-09-18