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Mutlibeam echosounder (MBES) data and sediment thickness mapping results from the sub-bottom profiler (SBP) data in the Chukchi Rise, Arctic Ocean

The subbottom profiler (SBP) and multibeam echo sounder (MBES) data were densely collected in the Chukchi Rise during the IBRV Araon Arctic Expeditions from 2012 to 2019. These data were used for a high-resolution seismostratigraphic and morphobathymetric analysis of the seabed and seafloor on the northwestern Chukchi margin. The sediment thickness were produced by mapping the major seismostratigraphic unit boundaries using the SBP data.

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Sub-bottom profiler data of Chukchi sea in Arctic ocean, 2012
ARA09C Sub-bottom profiler Survey Lines
ARA10C Sub-bottom profiler Survey Data
ARA10C Multibeam Survey
ARA09C Multibeam Survey Lines
Multibeam data of Chukchi sea in Arctic ocean, 2012
  • Sookwan Kim (skwan@kopri.re.kr)
  • Young Jin Cho (yjjoe@kopri.re.kr)
  • HYOUNG JUN KIM (jun7100@kopri.re.kr)
  • Yeon Jin Choi (yjchoi@kopri.re.kr)
  • Seung-Goo Kang (ksg9322@kopri.re.kr)
  • Jongkuk Hong (jkhong@kopri.re.kr)
  • Seung-Il Nam (sinam@kopri.re.kr)
  • Young Keun Jin (ykjin@kopri.re.kr)
  • Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, The Ohio State University
  • AWI
  • Leonid Polyak (polyak.1@osu.edu)
  • Frank Niessen (Frank.Niessen@awi.de)
Research period
2012-08-01 ~ 2020-09-20
Create/Update Date
2020-12-03 / 2020-12-09
The data(KOPRI-KPDC-00001625) used in this work was provided by the Korea Polar Research Institute.
Spatial Coverage


  • lat:77.433000, lon:-179.721620
  • lat:73.369600, lon:-160.849620

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Raw Data
File Size 249.43 Mb for 16 items
Category File Name Description Size Status
Processing Data mbes_backscatter_western_chukchi_rise_100m.nc MBES bathymetry and backscatter data in the Chukchi Rise 2.06 Mb Download
Processing Data mbes_bathy_eastern_chukchi_rise_100m.nc MBES bathymetry and backscatter data in the Chukchi Rise 149.09 Kb Download
Processing Data mbes_bathy_northern_chukchi_rise_100m.nc MBES bathymetry and backscatter data in the Chukchi Rise 431.3 Kb Download
Processing Data mbes_bathy_western_chukchi_rise_100m.nc MBES bathymetry and backscatter data in the Chukchi Rise 2.06 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_S1.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 24.68 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_S2.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 19.75 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_S3.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 19.66 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_S4.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 17.26 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_T1.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 24.68 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_T2.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 24.68 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_T3.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 19.75 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_T4.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 12.9 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_U1.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 24.68 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_U2.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 19.75 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_U3.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 19.66 Mb Download
Analysis Data sediment_thickness_U4.grd Sediment thickness mapping results in the western Chukchi Rise 17.26 Mb Download

Version History

Version Registration Date Submitter Summary
2 2020-12-08 22:08 Sookwan Kim 2020-12-08 22:08 Update
1 2020-12-03 06:11 Sookwan Kim 2020-12-03 06:11 Update