
KPDC, Korea Polar Data Center

Korea Polar Data Center Scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall
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Metadata Search Results1
No. Title Reg. Date
201 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000709]AMIGOS data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue, 2012 2012-06-28
202 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000010]CTD Data surrounding Chukchi Borderland and Mendeleev Ridge of Arctic in 2011 2012-07-11
203 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000233]ADCP Data surrounding Chukchi Borderland and Mendeleev Ridge of Arctic in 2011 2012-07-12
204 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000234]XCTD Data surrounding Chukchi Borderland and Mendeleev Ridge of Arctic in 2011 2012-07-12
205 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000232]LADCP Data surrounding Chukchi Borderland and Mendeleev Ridge of Arctic in 2011 2012-07-12
206 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000236]LADCP Data surrounding Amundsen Sea of Antarctic in 2011 2012-07-20
207 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000237]ADCP Data surrounding Amundsen Sea of Antarctic in 2011 2012-07-20
208 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000238]XBT Data surrounding Amundsen Sea of Antarctic in 2011 2012-07-24
209 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000239]ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) of Calanus glacialis from the Arctic marine 2012-07-24
210 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000242]Polar Organism genomic and transcriptomic sequences, 2011 2012-07-27
211 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000241]Polar Organism genomic and transcriptomic sequences, 2010 2012-07-27
212 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000240]Polar Organism genomic and transcriptomic sequences, 2009 2012-07-27
213 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000250]Soil samples near Cambridge Bay of Canada in 2012 2012-09-03
214 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000249]Soil samples in Alaska in 2011 2012-09-03
215 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000248]Soil samples in Alaska in 2010 2012-09-03
216 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000243]Soil samples from Barton Peninsular collected in 2010-2011 2012-09-03
217 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000246]Soil samples near Terra Nova Bay in 2011 2012-09-03
218 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000245]Freshwater, biofilm and sediment samples from Barton Peninsular collected in 2012 2012-09-03
219 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000244]Soil samples from Barton Peninsular collected in 2011-2012 2012-09-03
220 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000247]Soil samples near Terra Nova Bay in 2012 2012-09-03
221 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000251]Eddy covariance data of Alaska permafrost site in 2012 summer 2012-10-05
222 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000252]Sea surface reflectance in Arctic, 2012 2012-10-10
223 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000255]Air-sea turbulent fluxes on the Arctic in the summer of 2012 2012-10-26
224 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000256]LIDAR data on the Arctic in the summer of 2012 2012-10-26
225 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000258]Meteorological data on the Arctic in the summer of 2012 2012-11-01
226 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000257]Wind and radiation on the Arctic in the summer of 2012 2012-11-01
227 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000259]CTD Data surrounding Chukchi Borderland/Mendeleev Ridge in Arctic, 2012 2012-11-07
228 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000260]LADCP Data surrounding Chukchi Borderland/Mendeleev Ridge in Arctic, 2012 2012-11-08
229 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000262]Soil samples in Alaska in 2012 2012-11-13
230 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000264]Multibeam data of Amundsen sea in Antarctic, 2012 2012-11-13
231 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000266]Structure and Distribution of Phytoplankton communities in the Chukchi Sea, 2012 2012-11-14
232 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000272]soil sampling from long-term climate manipulation plots in Zackenberg, Greenland in 2011 2012-11-19
233 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000271]soil sampling from glacier-retreat regions in Svalvard in 2011 2012-11-19
234 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000274]soil sampling from glacier-retreat regions in Svalbard in 2012 2012-11-19
235 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000273]soil sampling from long-term climate manipulatioin plots in Zackenberg, Greenland in 2012 2012-11-19
236 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000270]Marine protozoa sample from 2012 Arctic Chuckchi Sea 2012-11-19
237 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000276]Multibeam data of around KOPRIdge, Antarctic ocean. December, 2011. 2012-11-20
238 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000275]Multibeam data of around KOPRIdge, Antarctic ocean. March, 2011. 2012-11-20
239 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000231]Multibeam data of around the Antarctic peninsula, 2010 2012-11-20
240 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000279]Aerosol Number Concentration Observed in the Arctic Ocean, 2012. 2012-12-11
241 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000280]Aerosol Number Concentration Observed in the Antarctic Ocean, 2011-2012. 2012-12-11
242 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000281]Mass Concentration of Black Carbon in the Antarctic Ocean, 2012. 2012-12-11
243 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000282]Mass Concentration of Black Carbon in the Arctic Ocean, 2012 2012-12-11
244 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000278]Aerosol Scattering Coefficients in the Antarctic ocean, 2011-2012 2012-12-11
245 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000267]Aerosol Scattering Coefficients in the Arctic ocean, 2012 2012-12-11
246 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000283]Korea Seismic Line 2009 2013-01-02
247 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000285]Concentration of atmospheric carbon monoxide: 2012 Arctic and Northwestern Pacific Oceans 2013-01-23
248 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000286]Concentration of atmospheric carbon monoxide: 2011 Incheon, Korea - King Sejong Station, Antarctica 2013-01-23
249 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000291]Concentrations of atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs): 2012 Northwestern Pacific Oceans 2013-01-30
250 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000288]Concentration of atmospheric mercury: 2012 Arctic and Northwestern Pacific Oceans 2013-01-30
251 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000287]Concentration of atmospheric carbon monoxide: 2012 Southern Ocean (Summer) 2013-01-30
252 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000289]Concentrations of atmospheric NO and NO2: 2012 Arctic and Northwestern Pacific Oceans 2013-01-30
253 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000290]Concentration of atmospheric ozone: 2012 Arctic and Northwestern Pacific Oceans 2013-01-30
254 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000293]Seismic data in King Sejong Station, 2012 2013-02-15
255 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000292]Phytoplankton physiological data of Amundsen Sea cruise in 2012 2013-02-15
256 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000294]Continuous seismic data from KPSN@TNB in JBS, 2012 2013-02-19
257 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000297]An Energy Budget Algorithm for a Snowpack-Snowmelt Calculation 2013-02-20
258 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000295]Validations of a numerical model of solute transport in a snowpack 2013-02-20
259 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000296]Development of a mathematical model for both solute transport in snow and isotopic evolution of snowmelt 2013-02-20
260 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000303]An englacial image and water pathways of the Fourcade glacier on King George Island, Antarctic Peninsula, inferred from ground-penetrating radar 2013-02-21
261 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000301]Seismic and radar investigations of Fourcade Glacier on King George Island, Antarctica 2013-02-21
262 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000300]Helicopter-borne and ground-towed radar surveys of the Fourcade Glacier on King George Island, Antarctica 2013-02-21
263 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000298]GPR Investigation of Glacier on Livingstone Island, Antarctica 2013-02-21
264 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000299]Simulation of a tidewater glacier evolution in Marian Cove, King George Island, Antarctica 2013-02-21
265 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000307]Upper atmospheric temperature data obtained from OH emission in Esrange Space Center, Kiruna, Sweden at 2012 2013-02-27
266 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000306]Upper atmospheric temperature data obtained from OH and O2 emissions at King Sejong Station, Antarctica at 2012 2013-02-27
267 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000308]Upper atmospheric temperature data obtained from OH emission at Dasan Station, Arctic at 2012 2013-02-27
268 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000309]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2003 2013-03-11
269 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000310]Air-sea turbulent fluxes on the Arctic in the summer of 2004 2013-03-12
270 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000318]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2012 2013-03-12
271 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000316]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2010 2013-03-12
272 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000314]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2008 2013-03-12
273 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000317]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2011 2013-03-12
274 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000315]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2009 2013-03-12
275 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000312]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2006 2013-03-12
276 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000311]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2005 2013-03-12
277 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000313]Turbulent fluxes at the Antarctic King Sejong Station in 2007 2013-03-12
278 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000319]Multibeam data of around KOPRIdge, Antarctic ocean, January-Februray, 2013 2013-03-13
279 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000320]Korea Seismic Line 2012 2013-03-20
280 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000322]2013 LADCP Data, Antarctic 2013-03-22
281 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000323]Single-Particle Characterization of Summertime Antarctic Aerosols Collected at King George Island Using Quantitative Energy-Dispersive Electron Probe X-ray Microanalysis and Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform-Infrared Imaging Techniques 2013-03-28
282 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000325]Model simulation data of atmospheric response to the changes in tropical sea surface temperature. 2013-04-03
283 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000324]numerical simulation ouput data using GRIMs model to investigate climate response to snow cover change over the Eurasia 2013-04-03
284 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000326]Numerical simulatio data and future prediction data for the permafrost environment change, 2012 2013-04-17
285 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000328]Rock samples of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, 2012-13 season 2013-05-29
286 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000329]Fossil specimens of Northern Victoria Land, 2012-2013 season 2013-05-30
287 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000710]Hydro-Carbon Hydrate Accumulations in the Okhotsk Sea III 2013-05-31
288 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000333]A study on the distribution characteristics of Total Alkalinity (TA) in the Southern Ocean in summer 2009/2010. 2013-06-03
289 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000334]Distribution of total alkalinity in the Chukchi Sea of the Arctic Ocean in summer 2010. 2013-06-03
290 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000330]A study on the distribution characteristics of total alkalinity in the Amundsen Sea in 2011. 2013-06-03
291 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000331]A study on the distribution characteristics of total alkalinity in the Amundsen Sea in 2012. 2013-06-03
292 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000332]CTD tow-yo data for hydrothermal plume survey along a mid-ocean ridge, 2013 2013-06-03
293 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000335]Multibeam data of around Weddell Sea, Western Antarctic peninsula, April to May, 2013 2013-06-04
294 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000336]Atmospheric and oceanic Methane: 2010 The Amundsen Sea 2013-06-11
295 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000337]Atmospheric and oceanic Methane : 2012 The Amundsen Sea 2013-06-11
296 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000339]Atmospheric and oceanic Methane: The Southern Ocean in summer 2009/2010 2013-06-12
297 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000340]Atmospheric and oceanic Methane : 2010 The Chuckchi Sea 2013-06-12
298 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000338]Atmospheric and oceanic Methane : 2013 The Ross Sea 2013-06-12
299 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000343]Concentration of atmospheric and oceanic carbon monoxide: 2010 the Western Equatorial Pacific Transect 2013-06-14
300 [KOPRI-KPDC-00000344]Concentration of atmospheric and oceanic carbon monoxide: 2010 the Southern Ocean 2013-06-14